President and Managing Director
Marianne is a specialist in nonprofit management and fundraising with more than 30 years of experience in higher education, arts and culture, and social service institutions. In 1994 Marianne founded Hayes Briscoe Associates, the predecessor firm to The Briscoe Group, which merged to form Brakeley Briscoe Inc. in 2003.
She has served as a corporate officer at three major nonprofit institutions and directed the capital campaigns of Saint Mary’s College of California, where she was vice president for advancement; the national Sierra Club Centennial Campaign, which raised $100 million; and the Campaign for the Newberry Library. She also directed the $50 million corporate component of the University of Chicago’s campaign for the Liberal Arts in the 1980s.
Her clients include Girl Scouts of the U.S.; National Public Radio; the League of Women Voters of the U.S.; Museum of Biodiversity (Panama City, Panama); San Diego State University; Dominican University (San Rafael, CA), San Francisco Opera; Helen Keller International; The Shakespeare Theatre (Washington, DC); a number of family service agencies; Natural History Museum of LA County; the City of Milwaukee Lead Paint Abatement Program; English Schools Foundation (Hong Kong); Japan Committee for UNICEF; Yale-National University of Singapore; Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro (Rio, de Janeiro), and Save the Redwoods League (San Francisco, CA).
Prior to her career in fundraising Marianne taught English literature at the University of Michigan–Flint and at The Catholic University of America. She also served the Charter Revision Commission as public information officer and directed the Charter Referendum Campaign and a mayoral campaign in Flint, Michigan.
Marianne served on the national board of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (then NSFRE) as chair of public service, chair of ethics, chair of development and assistant treasurer. She is founder and former board chair of the Washington Square Consortium, a nonprofit community improvement organization in Chicago. She is past president of the Board of the International Diplomacy Council of San Francisco. The U.S. Information Service has sent her on extended tours to Indonesia and Chile as an organizational development and fundraising consultant for arts organizations, and the Harvard Club of Malaysia has sponsored her training for non profits in that country.
Marianne belongs to the International Women’s Forum, served on the board of Women’s Forum West, and chaired the board of the Legacy Foundation at Women’s Forum West.
She holds the Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive credential, a distinction held by few professional fundraisers. She is editor and contributor to the book Ethics and Fundraising published by Jossey-Bass and has served as ethics columnist for Non-Profit Times.
Marianne lives in San Mateo, CA.