Behind the Scenes: Advance 2022 Pictures
Mara Anderson, MA
As a national company with international clients, Brakeley Briscoe had conducted some of our work remotely before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the pandemic pushed us to an almost completely remote mode. It also eliminated our ability to bring the whole company together for our annual company “Advances”.
We are happy to report that this September, some of us were able to gather in Lakeville, CT, for the first time since 2018. We cherished the opportunity to gather together and continue our twenty-year-old tradition. Our week was chock-full of seminars, home-cooked meals, and fun for all.
Highlights from our Internal Seminars:

Time for fun and games:

Local & Remote Special Guests:
We welcomed specialists who shared with us the challenges of fundraising and executive searches at independent schools and colleges.

We also heard (virtually) from Interim President of Christopher Newport University Adelia Thompson, and (in person) from President Carlee Drummer of Colombia-Greene Community College about their perspectives as college presidents. Their perspectives will certainly be useful as we continue our work with current, new, and prospective clients.
Moving into 2023:
All of us at Brakeley Briscoe and Brakeley Search look forward to using our newly acquired knowledge in the next year to best serve you in your fundraising and executive search needs. You can reach out to us via our website, by emailing, or calling 650.344.8883.